Time and Value of Money (TVM)

This program is meant for the exploration of financial transactions involving loans, investments and retirement portfolios.

This program essentially calculates one of five values (you supply the other four first). These values are:
  • Present Value (or initial balance of loan or retirement portfolio)
  • Future Value (or final balance of loan or retirement portfolio)
  • Regular Deposit into your investment (or payment towards loan / withdrawal from retirement portfolio)
  • Interest Rate - an annual value
  • The number of years this financial plan will be in place or will take.
Optionally, you can choose the payment frequency as well as the compounding frequency.

This is a web browser based application - it will function on any browser on any platform. It has been tested in Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari. Platforms tested in Windows, Apple's OS, IOS and Android.

Once you open the TVM application, you can save it to your computer, tablet or phone and run it locally at any time.